Fully equipped

With one of the largest, privately owned mainline locomotive fleets on the African continent, Traxtion is a force to be reckoned with. Whatever your requirement – full service rail freight operations, rail network operations, locomotive operations, or leasing – Traxtion will make sure that the wheels of your business keep turning.
Traxtion is RSR accredited and ISO9001 certified.
We connect Africa, we move Africa. With a skilled team of in-house artisans and decades of experience in maintaining, rebuilding and overhauling locomotives to OEM standards, we make both the present and the future vibrant and viable.

Part sales
Strong supplier relationships and a refusal to deliver anything but high quality, cost effective parts are synonymous with Traxtion. We only sell locomotive, wagon, and track parts that we would use in our own fleet. We add extra value for our customers through unit exchange and parts refurbishment.
Wheel Shop
Our fully equipped wheel shop has the capacity to maintain and refurbish the wheels of your locomotive and wagon fleet.

Field Services
Our dedicated team of diesel electric fitters makes use of our mobile workshop system to speedily respond to breakdowns and other problems in remote areas.

Locomotive Rebuild and Overhaul
With the development of our Rosslyn rail services hub, we have the ability to rebuild up to 9 locomotives at any time, giving us the capacity to match our capabilities.

We specialise in the repair and maintenance of diesel and electric locomotives as well as rolling stock for mining, industrial, freight and state-owned enterprises throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.

Rosslyn Technical Base
Our 50 000 sqm rail service hub has 11 000 sqm under roof. By collaborating with complementary rail services providers we are able to offer our clients the equivalent of a ‘one-stop-shop’.
Motivation, training and inspiration

The Engine Room
HR and Training
We firmly believe in the power of human capital and we continue to invest in the development of rail industry skill sets for the next generation. Our TETA – accredited diesel electric fitter trade training centre in Gauteng puts apprentice artisans through an intensive 3-year course that culminates in a red seal trade test certificate. In keeping with our commitment to quality, our trade test officers are fully accredited by the National Moderating Body. Our training centre also runs train driver, locomotive operator, train driver assistant, shunter and shedman training as well as refresher courses.
Exceeding expectations
Safety and compliance
Reliability is our watchword. Decades of experience in our field and the insights gained from the constant refining of our own business enable us to provide our customers with invaluable guidance. Our practical advisory services include:
ISO 9001 accreditation
RSR compliance
Safety management systems
Full spectrum safety and compliance audits
Occupational health and safety

ISO 9001
With ISO 9001 certification, quality management systems are central to the success of our business.
RSR Certificate
We are certified by the Rail Safety Regulator to operate in South Africa.
BBBEE Certificate
We are proud to play an active role in transforming South Africa’s economy by complying with Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment requirements.